Sep 17, 2022

Chống tình cảm

tiếp tục câu chuyện ấy

(vẫn tiếp tục my Lukács)

Cuối cùng - phái-nồn-ly, phi-lán-nờ-măng - tôi đã tìm được đích xác cái mà tôi muốn tìm, một cách chuẩn xác, cụ thể, không thể nhầm lẫn. Nó nằm trong cuốn sách dưới đây - tác giả của nó, Eduard Hanslick, là một người đương thời với, nhưng là một đối thủ của Richard Wagner; thậm chí, đó còn là his bête noire:


  1. situations extrêmes

  2. The beautiful, first of all, affects our senses. This, however, is not peculiar to the beautiful alone, but is common to all phenomena whatsoever. Sensation, the beginning and condition of all aesthetic enjoyment, is the source of feeling in its widest sense, and this fact presupposes some relation, and often a highly complex one, between the two. No art is required toproduceasensation; a single sound or colour may suffice. As previously stated, the two terms are generally employed promiscuously ; but older writers speak of " sensation," where we should use the term " feeling." What those writers intend to convey, therefore, is that the object of music is to arouse our feelings, and to fill our hearts with piety, love, joy, or sadness.

    In point of fact, however, this is the aim neither of music nor of any other art. An art aims, above all, at producing something beautiful which affects not our feelings, but the organ of pure contemplation, our imagination.

    It is rather curious that musicians and the older writers on aesthetics take into account only the contrast of "feeling" and "intellect," quite oblivious of the fact that the main point at issue lies half-way between the horns of this supposed dilemma.

  3. nghe cứ như là “chống chiến tranh”, à mà không, chống John Yoko make love, not war
